Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Since the Kitty Kat accident ..............

Omg this is getting scarier by the moment , now all types of animals just want to dash out at me on the road . This is getting crazy and I would come to a sudden stop and let them go but once I slam on breaksI would slam  real hard and I dont want to harm myself but I also do not want another epoisode like the cat . I just believe that something on my car is attracting these animals and telling them when to dash out . I never thought I would be the one to really kill an animal . As I was growing up my mom always use to hit birds they use to just slam into her windshield and pass away which I thought was crazy as well and it use to be like everyday . Now I took on the trait which I do not want . I had to pray about this thing because I do not want to have a mental break down about this . I just really want to stop driving for awhile because its getting out of hand now ....

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